Ceasefire demonstrators beat a drum and called out the names and ages of children who have died in the Israeli army attack on Gaza. Protesters said...
“They’re not treating us seniors like we’re human beings; since this management company has been here, there is no communication whatsoever,” said Beverley Colston, who has...
The OEA’s common good proposals are based on outreach with thousands of OUSD parents and community members. California districts that have bargained common good demands with...
Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price shared her vision and determination to fulfill the goals of the historic civil rights movement, to work with the community...
Despite opposition of the trustees, many community leaders and city officials are moving forward for an educational future for the campus. In a statement released this...
Kampala Taiz-Rancifer, OEA second vice president, said, “We’re bargaining for safe, stable, and racially just community schools. Our proposals for wages are to provide the kind...
In a recent letter to City of Oakland officials, Jeanine Hawk, HNU’s vice president for finance and administration, claimed that the university has been working closely...
Mayor Thao provided a few minutes on the program to introduce to the community Dr. Kimberly Mayfield, the newly appointed deputy mayor, who has served as...
The results were a significant defeat for the moderate, pro-big-business regime of outgoing Mayor Libby Schaaf, her corporate backers and the candidates she groomed and promoted...
Oakland school board candidates seeking to halt the annual ritual of closing neighborhood schools and years of cutting budgets for classroom programs are leading in two...
Ballot counting will continue for the next few days. A total of 170,452 county residents voted, or 18.31% of registered voters. Of these 3.29% voted on...
District 6 school board candidate Kyra Mungia’s opponents in District 6, Valarie Bachelor and Joel Velasquez, are allied with the movement against school closings and are...
“Meanwhile, Mills students have seen a drastic reduction in programs and workers are concerned that Northeastern has a history of union busting, and the community is...
The teachers’ union pledged to continue the fight against school closures and to take legal action to defend teachers who have been fired or threatened for...
Since the State took over the district in 2003, more than 30 schools have been closed, debts have soared and the ranks of high-paid outside consultants...
Newport, who is now in his mid-80s, was born in Rochester, New York. While living there, he was leader of the Monroe County Nonpartisan Political League,...
The second lawsuit was filed by Union Pacific Railroad, raising concerns about environmental and public safety risks. In a statement to the San Francisco Chronicle, Robynn...
Councilmember Carroll Fife said that putting the Oakland A’s $12-billion real estate development project on the ballot would ensure that the public has a voice in...
It is now becoming clear to many local education advocates that under FCMAT, the state’s enforcer, or the whip hand of education austerity, K-12 school districts...
Of the 53 public speakers at the meeting, 32 opposed approving the EIR, raising significant concerns about the impact of the project. Speakers included representatives of...
“The City has rushed the Final EIR in order to meet the arbitrary end of the year deadline set by the Oakland A’s,” according to a...
“We, as a community, should hold everybody to task around the issue of equity,” West Oakland community leader and environmental advocate Margaret Gordon said. “The A’s...
“We’re not going to accept $90 million in budget reductions from the county,” Oakland Education Association (OEA) President Keith Brown told the Oakland Post this week....
The Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) told Oakland Unified School District officials that they must cut the budget by $90 million and threatened – if...
‘I don’t see Black people working on projects in Oakland,’ was a common comment by town hall meeting participants “(And) we have to have more discussion...