Kampala Taiz-Rancifer, OEA second vice president, said, “We’re bargaining for safe, stable, and racially just community schools. Our proposals for wages are to provide the kind...
In a media release, the union announced that voting began on Monday: “Instead of negotiating a fair contract for the safe, stable, and racially-just schools our...
The Marcus Foster Education Institute (MFEI), a nonprofit that works for equity and enhanced education opportunities for Oakland students and families, is celebrating two important milestones:...
In an escalation of labor pressure, hundreds of teachers boycotted district-organized Professional Development (PD) sessions, instead attending a mass, Oakland Education Association (OEA) rally this week...
The teachers’ union pledged to continue the fight against school closures and to take legal action to defend teachers who have been fired or threatened for...
“…we need to use all forms of street credibility that we have to seek an end to these hostilities and work with the Post, the Chaplains,...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The Oakland Unified School District has remained under FCMAT’s domination since the state took over in 2003. Already, under FCMAT’s leadership, more than...
Teachers, students and the Oakland Education Association had been vocal about COVID safety issues during the last two school years. Last January, OUSD teachers protested, as...
Love's interest in becoming a teacher began at an early age. She wanted to follow in the footsteps of her grandfather, Andrew A. Williams, who was...
The community plan is to “liberate” the school and reopen the school as Parker Community Schools. “We will have resources, programs and classes by and for...
“Here in the East Bay, access to high-speed internet is a matter of racial justice and equity,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13). “This became especially clear...
At the heart of the protests were united actions of the Oakland Education Association (OEA) and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10. The...
The Oakland administration and school board have rushed to close schools ignoring its own policy and contract commitments to implement its commitments to confer with parents,...
It is our prayer that the District and community can begin to navigate this issue in a manner which teaches our children right from wrong. This...
How this spending was prioritized remains unclear, since community input was promised but bypassed. The name itself is somewhat misleading. The word “TOWN” in Town for...
“We’re not going to accept $90 million in budget reductions from the county,” Oakland Education Association (OEA) President Keith Brown told the Oakland Post this week....
To all our staff who have been working so incredibly hard over the past few months to welcome our students and families back to school safely...
In partnership with the California Department of Public Health, the City of Oakland, COVID Clinic, the Alameda County Public Health Department, and La Clinica, OUSD is...
Students say they want to shine a light on a dirty little secret: widespread sexual misconduct on campus, including harassment, groping, and a lack of consequences...
While it was announced as Item G-1 of the 10/14/2021 Budget and Finance Committee Meeting, no documents were ever posted and, at the meeting, the Committee...
Cleveland McKinney alleges he lost his job for complaining about “unsafe and discriminatory conditions” at McClymonds High
The case settles claims of police brutality at a board meeting in October 2019, when parents and teachers protested the closure of Henry J. Kaiser Jr....
Cheeks, 17, who was born and raised in Oakland, wants to eliminate corruption from within. Her first step will be majoring in sociology and participating in...
Holy Names University (HNU) has appointed Dr. Kimberly Mayfield as vice president for External Relations and Strategic Partnerships.
Oakland High School students attend school from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every day except Wednesdays, when they get off school around 1:30 p.m. This allows...