The play “Faith You Can See,” written by Cindy Isaac and produced by Charisma City Productions (CCP), will be playing at the Empress Theater in Vallejo...
Michael P. Johnson is running for Alameda County Superior Court Judge, Seat 12, after having been appointed as a temporary judge over the past five years....
Veteran progressive leader Sandré Swanson, who is running for office to “put kids and families first,” spoke at a fundraiser over Labor Day weekend emphasizing his...
Assemblymember Lori Wilson, Chair of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) said this week that her Caucus “is proud to endorse the candidacy of Sandré R...
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is joining Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign of hate. Eliminating college credit for African American studies is a blatant attempt to...
With beautiful views of the skyline in the background Congresswoman Barbara Lee, U.S. Senate candidate, celebrated her birthday earlier this week at a fundraising reception hosted...
The 49ers Foundation is accepting nominations for the 2023 Teachers of the Game program presented by Chevron. Winning educators receive two tickets and a parking pass...
Vice President Kamala Harris is sure to be remembered every March in Women’s History Month as the first woman and the first person of color to...
Prop 27 was the one of the least successful ballot measures in the last 30 years, based on the percentage of yes votes. Nearly 17% or...
Leaders of Native American tribes from across California, joined Governor Gavin Newsom when he signed AB 2022 and four other bills in an effort to build...
“We are working to enhance our supply chain security by investing in our infrastructure and making products in America,” said Representative Jim Costa (D-Merced). “Today’s roundtable emphasized...
“Terrence Riley has demonstrated his deep commitment to youth development and education through his 13+ year tenure at Aim High. He will undoubtedly bring leadership and...
African American students make up a small fraction of the student body at River Valley High School, which is predominantly Hispanic. According to school data, there...
“From access to healthcare to housing and homelessness to criminal justice reform and creating economic opportunity, the CLBC has a long history of legislative accomplishments,” said...
A demonstration is planned for Tuesday May 24 at 11:30 a.m. at the Board of Supervisors on Oak and 12th streets in Oakland to protest a...
As recognized and trusted messengers, NCNW is joined in their efforts to champion good health in communities of color by national partners that include the National...
According to publisher Paul Cobb, three thieves spent over three hours rummaging through drawers, shelves, files, and boxes. For Cobb, owner of the Post News Group,...
Covering topics ranging from wellbeing, self-confidence, and lessons learned, webinars can be attended individually or as part of the series. Attendees will hear from guest speakers,...
Doris Fisher, worth $2.6 billion, has “focused much of her wealth and resources on building charter schools. She and her late husband Donald donated more than $70...
San Geronimo Watershed supports one of the largest populations of wild federally listed endangered coho salmon, steelhead trout, and chinook salmon in Northern California. Coho were...
During the ribbon cutting ceremony before an audience of about 40 people, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon addressed executive staff members of Chase from various regions...
In 1968, the church became a United Methodist Church by denominational merger. Taylor Church has continued to grow in its membership and service to the Greater Bay Area Community.
The Oakland Unified School Board approved the COVID vaccine mandate at its Wednesday evening meeting on a 5 to 1 vote, though the details and a...
Senate Bill (SB) 262, a bail reform bill that would have established $0 bail for some offenders, was stopped in its tracks following a grisly murder...
Lee’s celebration took place at Mills College Student Union, where, in part, Lee’s political career began.