How safe is CBD oil?
MINNESOTA SPOKESMAN-RECORDER — From bath oils and soft drinks to skin creams and coffee bars, everywhere you look, you can see what looks like the next hot product: CBD oil.

From bath oils and soft drinks to skin creams and coffee bars, everywhere you look, you can see what looks like the next hot product: CBD oil.
CBD, or cannabidiol, oil is a member of the cannabinoid family of molecules found in marijuana and plants closely related to marijuana, such as hemp. Although CBD has been around since the 1940s, CBD’s popularity has dramatically increased along with the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana across the United States.
There are over 100 different cannabinoids found in marijuana and hemp plants. CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the most commonly studied cannabinoids. CBD oil is extracted from the buds and flowers of marijuana and related plants, such as hemp. But, unlike THC, which is psychoactive marijuana derivative oil, CBD does not produce a “high” or intoxicated feeling.
CBD does have medicinal benefits, however. Proponents of CBD claim that it can treat a variety of conditions including seizures, pain, anxiety, inflammation, insomnia, acne and other skin diseases, and even some forms of cancer.
Experts are not quite as enthusiastic because solid scientific research has not verified most of these claims, yet. That has not stopped marketers and producers. In addition to CBD-infused products popping up in bath and body stores and local coffee shops, many malls now have “CBD stores” dedicated to selling a variety of products containing CBD oil. You can even search “CBD oil” on and well over 1,000 products are displayed – all touted to treat a wide variety of health concerns.
Read on to learn more about the different types of cannabinoids and safety and effectiveness of CBD.
Three types of cannabinoids
These compounds, like CBD, are found in plants like marijuana and hemp.
These are found in the human body, discovered as a result of studying phytocannabinoids. They are derivatives of a chemical called arachidonic acid. Many tissues and organs contain receptors for endocannabinoids, which are released by human tissues in times of pain and inflammation. It is well-documented that receptors for endocannabinoids are located throughout the human body, including skin cells and the nervous system and brain.
The endocannabinoids in the skin can regulate cell growth which can be used in cancer treatments. The endocannabinoids in the nervous system and brain may affect thinking and understanding, memory, body movements, and pain control.
Synthetic cannabinoids
These are man-made cannabinoids used for research purposes and in some currently available products. They may eventually be employed in pharmacologic preparations and drug treatments used for cannabinoid-responsive conditions.
The rest of this column will focus on the phytocannabinoid, CBD.
Is CBD safe?
Unfortunately, most CBD is being produced without regulation. As a result, purity and quality can vary greatly.
In a recent study, 70 percent of products evaluated contained a different amount of CBD than listed on the label. Most products examined had less CBD, but some had more. Also, about 15 percent of CBD-containing products had measurable amounts of THC. This derivative can cause anxiety, just the very thing CBD is reported to calm, and THC should not be in CBD products.
Additionally, CBD is poorly absorbed. Only about 20 percent of CBD gets absorbed, so the quality and purity of CBD products are critical for their effectiveness.
Some studies have shown that CBD can have adverse effects on the liver. This seems to be the case in about five percent of all people. Other studies need to be done to see how CBD affects a person if the person consuming CBD is taking other medications. This is extremely important.
In general, there are relatively few side effects. So, the downside in using CBD-containing products is relatively low, but liver and other possible drug interactions must be considered.
Is CBD legal?
This is really a grey and ever-changing area. It appears to be legal in the 30+ states where marijuana is legal, but the overall national legal status has not been challenged yet, and the FDA has taken a very quiet and conservative stance.
Recently, a farm bill was proposed and is expected to pass that will make hemp-derived CBD legal. Keep in mind that just because something is legal does not mean that it is FDA-approved to treat anything or everything that is printed on the label.
Is CBD effective?
There are CBD receptors in our bodies. In the presence of bound CBD, our bodies can produce physiologic responses. In fact, CBD is FDA-approved to treat certain epileptic seizures in children.
There is emerging research that CBD may be useful in treating anxiety, and there are countless anecdotal reports that it helps muscle aches, joint pain, depression, psychiatric conditions, and insomnia. The number of human trials for other diseases is small but promising.
In fact, CBD’s use as an anti-inflammatory may be the next area for future FDA investigation and approval. As mentioned, many cells in our bodies have CBD receptors, so it stands to reason that CBD can have other physiologic effects in humans, such as on pain, inflammation, anxiety, and sleep.
Unfortunately, due to the murky legal status of CBD, research to uncover these physiologic responses has been sparse. As for other health claims, much more research, especially on humans rather than animals, needs to be done. Unfortunately, due to lack of regulation, manufacturers of products that contain CBD can print just about any health claim that they want on the product label, and buyers, desiring a relatively inexpensive, natural treatment, may just believe it.
As the new farm bill clears, legality issues over research should move forward at a much faster pace. Additionally, the best method of CBD delivery (oral, topical or inhaled) should be studied for the best treatment results.
Should I use CBD?
CBD is a promising product for a variety of challenging medical conditions, but more research needs to be done. If one is considering the use of CBD when other tried-and-true treatments are not working, don’t just buy something off the shelf because the label says it will help you.
I would strongly suggest using CBD-containing products with the guidance and care of a physician knowledgeable about and familiar with CBD-containing products. The future appears bright for CBD-containing products, but its ultimate success will depend on the production of high-quality products with safe, proven and approved results.
This article originally appeared in the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder.
Undocumented Workers Are Struggling to Feed Themselves. Slashed Budgets and New Immigration Policies Bring Fresh Challenges
Founded more than 20 years ago, Street Level Health Project started with a handful of nurses and volunteers visiting day laborer sites in East Oakland to provide medical assistance and other resources to newly arrived immigrants. They quickly spotted symptoms common among day laborers: nausea, fatigue, and headaches. Sitting in the sun for hours waiting for work is typical. Once on a job, some men shared incidents of nearly passing out while working. Volunteer nurses also noticed signs of hunger among the men, with some going days without eating a proper meal.

By Magaly Muñoz
Up and down the streets of the Fruitvale neighborhood in Oakland, immigrant workers head to empty parking lots and street corners waiting for a job. Some are as young as 14 and as old as 60.
Diego, a man in his late thirties, is a construction worker who arrived in the United States nine months ago. He, like many of the men standing beside him at the day laborer site, came to the U.S. in the hopes of providing a new life for his family. Now, Diego and other immigrants are worried as threats of deportation increase from the Trump administration.
Also worried are organizations such as Street Level Health Project, an Oakland-based nonprofit dedicated to providing access to health care and basic services to these laborers.
Street Level Health Project’s funding primarily comes from federal and local grants, These are in jeopardy because of city budget constraints and proposed cuts to federal social service dollars.
Already, the nonprofit’s local funding has been cut. The City of Oakland decreased one of the organization’s grants by $35,000 in one of its latest rounds of budget cuts, with city officials citing a looming budget deficit.
“Our primary day laborer program funding right now is secured, but we do have concerns in this next budget cycle if it will continue to be secured, given [the budget shortfall], and the recent cut to 13 community grants across the city,” said Executive Director Gabriela Galicia.
Founded more than 20 years ago, Street Level Health Project started with a handful of nurses and volunteers visiting day laborer sites in East Oakland to provide medical assistance and other resources to newly arrived immigrants. They quickly spotted symptoms common among day laborers: nausea, fatigue, and headaches. Sitting in the sun for hours waiting for work is typical. Once on a job, some men shared incidents of nearly passing out while working. Volunteer nurses also noticed signs of hunger among the men, with some going days without eating a proper meal.
“We’re the safety net to the safety net,” said Galicia. As Oakland’s sole organization devoted to helping undocumented workers, Street Level is often tasked with “picking up the leftovers” for groups that provide resources to the larger immigrant or underserved communities, she added. Now, that mission is under threat.

Level Health Project is a nonprofit organization in East Oakland that provides health and employment resources for immigrant day laborers and their families. The staff upped their efforts to provide information about immigration rights in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidency. Photo by Magaly Muñoz.
At day laborer sites in East Oakland, several workers said that they often skip buying groceries or meals for themselves in order to save money for rent or other necessities.
Diego, who like others interviewed for this story asked to not share his full name because of his undocumented status, said he’s lucky if he makes $300 a week. He said that is enough to pay for the small room he and his son rent in the Fruitvale – but not enough to feed them both. Diego said that he will sometimes go days without food.
The family Diego rents from is more fortunate, he said, because they’re able to afford meat and rice. At times, Diego said, it’s hard to ignore the savory smell that finds its way to his bedroom. Diego tells his son to look away from his landlord’s table to avoid feeling envious about what they cannot buy themselves.
“It’s hard because I know there’s food at the store, but there’s never enough [money] to buy it,” Diego said. “We barely have enough to pay our rent every month.”
On top of paying for the basics here in the U.S., day laborers also face pressure to support relatives in their home countries.
Pedro, interviewed on his BART ride home after an unsuccessful day of trying to find work in East Oakland, said his family in Guatemala regularly goes days without eating because he can’t make enough money in the Bay Area to send home to them.
“A lot of [day laborers] have their families back in [Latin America], making it harder to keep up with our needs here,” Pedro said. Some days he said the only thing he eats is the fruit that some local organizations hand out to workers like him.

Street Level Health Project is providing weekly grocery bags to immigrant day laborers and their families to address the growing need for food in the community. Photo by Magaly Muñoz.
Bracing for bigger challenges
Before the pandemic, Street Level Health Project had a hot meal lunch program at their central office in the Fruitvale, where the organization provided meals twice a week for over 50 people. The organization also had a hot meal breakfast program where they prepared 50 to 90 meals, three times a week.
Understanding the food insecurity that many day laborers face, the project launched a food distribution program in 2011, distributing nearly 70 bags of groceries weekly. Thanks to additional funding, they were able to increase that to 150 food bags a week during the pandemic.
In recent years, Street Level Health Project reduced its weekly grocery distribution back to 70 bags and cut its hot meal program completely. Galicia, the director, said that’s because of the end of COVID-19 funding and staffing reductions.
Street Level Health Project also receives regular donations from the Alameda County Food Bank, but Galicia said it has not been enough to restore the food distribution program to what it was during the pandemic.
Currently, Street Level has a $100,000 grant from the city of Oakland to provide wrap-around services for day laborers, such as getting jobs for the workers, providing assistance with CalFresh and MediCal applications, and referring people to legal aid or immigration assistance. Galicia said that funding is barely enough to do the amount of work that the city expects.
Meanwhile, the $35,000 cut in funding has impacted the organization’s workers’ rights outreach and education services, she said.
The Oakland Post tried reaching out to city and county officials several times for comment but did not get a response.
Galicia fears city leaders will make even harsher cuts during the upcoming budget cycle this spring to balance a $130 million shortfall. Last year, Oakland cut funding for public safety, arts and culture programs, and 13 other nonprofits that serve the city’s most vulnerable populations.
Yet the budget concerns don’t stop with local government.

In the wake of Trump 2.0, organizations across the country are handing out “red cards” with the rights that immigrants should be aware of when encountering immigration officers. Photo by Magaly Muñoz.
Since President Donald Trump’s second inauguration, immigrant communities and the organizations that serve them have been in crisis mode.
Trump, who ran on a promise to deport millions of immigrants, has signed executive orders to stop birthright citizenship, shipped migrants to Guantanamo Bay, and attempted to freeze federal funding to social programs. Undocumented residents are increasingly anxious that their families might get separated.
Galicia said this is the time for local and state governments to invest in their organizations’ staff and direct resources, not take them away, from the people on the frontlines.
“I think that it’s just as important that funders are able to give to our teams, not just for the community but because the people doing the work have to be well, and we need ample resources to be able to do this work to support our community,” Galicia said.
For Pedro, the day laborer in Oakland, the combination of less support from nonprofits like Street Level Health Project, along with fear raised by the Trump administration’s deportation threats, has left him fearful. He is not alone, he said. He has noticed fewer day laborers showing up to their usual spots. Pedro said he himself fears encountering an immigration officer on his way to work.
“We don’t want to leave our homes, but at the same time, if we don’t go outside, we don’t work,” he said. “If we don’t work, we can’t afford to live.”
Oakland Post reporter Magaly Muñoz produced this story as part of a series as a 2024 USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism Data Fellow and Engagement Grantee.
COMMENTARY: Let’s Go to The Doctor. Obesity and Weight Management for Men
Obesity is a chronic disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity affects 42.8% of middle-aged adults. It is closely related to several other chronic diseases, including heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and certain cancers and joint diseases.

By Clifford L. Williams
Black males, and men in general, it’s time to take our weight seriously. There’s a need to take a hard look at being overweight and address the issue of obesity.
Obesity is a chronic disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity affects 42.8% of middle-aged adults. It is closely related to several other chronic diseases, including heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and certain cancers and joint diseases.
Being overweight is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) between 25.0 and 29.9; a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. Although the disease is chronic, it is treatable. For people living with obesity, weight management is more than just tracking the pounds.
Obesity can negatively impact your health, but the good news is that weight loss may improve some weight-related conditions. Knowing your BMI is a great first step when starting the conversation about weight management with a healthcare provider.
The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health notes obesity is generally caused by overeating and moving too little. Suppose you consume high amounts of energy, particularly fat and sugars, but don’t burn off the energy through exercise and physical activity. In that case, much of the surplus energy will be stored by the body as fat.
Black men have seen the red flags and have chosen to act. You may cut off sugar and drinks, but exercise is what really matters. Long walks are a great place to start, and they may lead to other forms of exercise.
Getting more exercise and moving around may do wonders for your weight. Make a few adjustments occasionally; they might add up over time. Also, watch what you consume. No foods need to be eliminated from your diet, but portions should be reduced and healthy calorie intake increased.
Steps That Help Lead to a Healthier Lifestyle:
Consult Your Healthcare Provider About the Risks. You should talk to your doctor and ask them about creating a personalized strategy for you. Some Black men said they didn’t realize the dangers of being overweight until they were sick with diabetes or heart disease and their doctor brought up the link to their weight, according to research published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.
Work with a Personal Trainer – Losing weight is a team effort that requires both a nutritious diet and regular physical activity. Like diets, there is no “right” way to exercise. You may get individualized advice on what to eat based on your body type and the recommendations of your nutritionist, in addition to a tailored exercise program to help you attain your objectives.
Set Realistic Goals—Just as you shouldn’t anticipate losing weight overnight, you shouldn’t acquire it overnight either. No weight reduction program that uses microwaves exists, and even if it did, it probably wouldn’t last. If your objectives are too ambitious, you run the danger of being disheartened when you fail to achieve them.
To Our Readers:
For information on other health-related issues regarding men’s health, please share your thoughts and/or concerns with the Post Newspaper Group editorial staff.
Two New California Bills Are Aiming to Lower Your Prescription Drug Costs
“When basic life necessities like medication become unaffordable in Blue States, working people pay the price. As Democrats, we should be leading on making people’s lives better and more affordable,” continued Weiner. It is past time California caught up with other states and put basic protections in place to contain the astronomical cost of basic medications.”

By Edward Henderson, California Black Media
Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) has introduced two bills in the State Senate that could lower prescription drug prices for California residents.
Senate Bill (SB) 40, or the Insulin Affordability Act — and accompanying legislation, SB 41, or Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) Reform — comprise Wiener’s Prescription Drug Affordability (PDA) Package.
Together, the bills would cap monthly co-pays for insulin at $35 (SB 40) and create regulations for pharmacy benefit managers (PBM) whose negotiation practices, critics say, have resulted in steep price increases for prescription drugs (SB 41).
“It makes no sense that people with diabetes in states like West Virginia can access affordable insulin while Californians are stuck with higher prices,” said Wiener in a statement.
“When basic life necessities like medication become unaffordable in Blue States, working people pay the price. As Democrats, we should be leading on making people’s lives better and more affordable,” continued Weiner. It is past time California caught up with other states and put basic protections in place to contain the astronomical cost of basic medications.”
SB 40’s proposed $35 monthly co-pay was written, in part, in response to the price of insulin tripling over the past decade, Wiener’s office says. As a result of the increase, one in four people using insulin has reported insulin underuse because they can’t afford the full dose.
About 4,037,000 adult Californians have diabetes, with an additional 263,000 cases of Type 1 diabetes diagnosed each year. This rate in new cases disproportionately affects the elderly, men, and low-income patients, Wiener’s office reports.
According to Wiener, SB 41 is his follow-up to similar legislation he introduced last year, SB 966, which was vetoed by Gov. Newsom.
Middlemen in the pharmaceutical industry, PBMs buy prescription drugs from manufacturers and then sell them to pharmacies and health plans. Their position as intermediaries allows them to charge high administrative fees and significantly higher prices for drugs to pharmacies than they paid originally. This practice results in higher costs for patients seeking the prescriptions they need.
“On behalf of the Californians we serve who live with chronic and rare diseases, we are grateful to Sen. Wiener for his commitment and attempt to hold pharmacy middlemen accountable for their anti-patient and anti-pharmacy practices,” stated Liz Helms, California Chronic Care Coalition President & CEO. “Health care costs continue to rise when patients cannot afford medically necessary medications.”
SB 41 proposes that all PBMs be licensed and that they disclose basic information regarding their business practices to the licensing entity. It also calls for a number of other requirements and prohibitions, including limiting how fees may be charged and requiring transparency related to all fees assessed.
“This bill addresses some of the worst abuses by pharmacy benefit managers: lack of transparency, unfair business practices, steering, and price gouging,” said Jamie Court, President of Consumer Watchdog.
In 2022, drug spending in California grew by 12%, while total health premiums rose by just 4%. Last year, more than half of Californians either skipped or postponed mental and physical healthcare due to cost, putting their safety and well-being at risk. One in three reported holding medical debt, including half of low-income Californians.
So far, there is no organized opposition to the Prescription Drug Affordability package.
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