For over 25 years, an Oakland leadership organization has worked to foster multiracial relationships amongst students, where historically, there has been division. Youth Together was created...
James Ira Dancy, known as a West Oakland treasure and historian, passed away on March 18, 2023. He was 65.
Mungia’s work on behalf of Mayor Schaaf’s education agenda is part of what troubles school advocates. Schaaf, a longtime supporter of charter schools, has spoken forcefully...
He served three decades with the Oakland Symphony and was a passionate advocate for change
Oakland students are supporting their teachers’ call for a 12 percent salary increase, more investments in students, an end to school closures, and the hiring of...
Councilmember Desley Brooks (left) with winners of the Urban Debate National Championship, Christine Harris and Malachi Ambrose. Photo by Ken Epstein. Two Skyline High School students,...
The Oakland Unified School District and AC Transit came to an agreement Wednesday afternoon – with the help of the City of Oakland – to save...