The play “Faith You Can See,” written by Cindy Isaac and produced by Charisma City Productions (CCP), will be playing at the Empress Theater in Vallejo...
The Bill Pickett Invitational Rodeo (BPIR) announced July 26 that it has teamed up with the BeyGOOD Foundation to support Black equestrian programs. BIPR says the...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — We are bringing the everyday people who’ve demanded better wages from their bosses to Washington insist that Republicans, Democrats, and Independents make clear...
ST. LOUIS AMERICAN — There is data that shows that the Democratic candidate for president over the last five presidential elections since 2000 has averaged 90%...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — NIEER just released its 2023 State of Preschool Yearbook, which annually tracks state-funded preschool enrollment, funding, and quality across states. This year’s report...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Insiders from the Trump and Biden camps anticipate a nail-biting finish in November, with the outcome hinging on a mere sliver of votes....
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The DLCC underscored its commitment to combating Republican gerrymandering by supporting efforts for representative maps that accurately reflect the diversity of districts and...
Jade Amor-Shannan Johnson and Cerenity Bush stood under the bright winter sun on Dec. 16, 2023, proudly waiting to process into UC Berkeley’s Haas Pavilion and...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The festivities commenced on Friday and culminated in the grand crowning ceremony on Saturday night, where Myatt, a native of Detroit, expressed her...
Judge Steve C. Jones of the Northern District of Georgia slapped down the redistricting maps drawn by the Republican-controlled Legislature to accommodate the requirements of the...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Born in the District of Columbia, Kennedy’s dedication to redressing longstanding issues in marginalized communities is palpable. He said he envisions dismantling systemic...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Jenna Ellis, one of the twice-impeached and four-times indicted former president’s private lawyers, admitted her guilt on Tuesday, Oct. 24, becoming the fourth...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — On Tuesday, Oct. 24, House Republicans plan to hold a candidate forum to assess the contenders, and it remains to be seen who...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Often called “freedmen’s towns,” “freedom towns,” or “all-black towns,” African American municipalities were established throughout the United States by or for a largely...
I’m in New York again for a return engagement of Oakland resident Ishmael Reed’s “The Conductor,” his new play on the current state of race in...
Sixty years ago, more than 200,000 people descended upon the National Mall for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, making a stand for freedom...
By Tamieka Atkins Sixty years ago, more than 200,000 people descended upon the National Mall for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, making a...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Inside the lockup, Trump finally received the same treatment as most criminal defendants: his mugshot was taken, and the sheriff released the notorious...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — According to prosecutors, Cheseboro collaborated with Georgia Republicans in the weeks following the November 2020 election at the direction of Trump’s campaign. The...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Sixty years ago, more than 200,000 people descended upon the National Mall for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, making a...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — While the Rolling Sea Action Fund will be aligned with the all-Democratic Congressional Black Caucus, it will operate as a "hybrid PAC." This...
Van Jones, the former director of Oakland’s Ella Baker Center, acts as our surrogate when he appears on the mostly white CNN news panels. So, when...
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis fought back against Donald Trump’s attempt to have her removed from the 2020 election probe. On May 15, Willis responded...
The Gresham Park Recreation Center located in southern DeKalb County was the perfect backdrop to Decide DeKalb’s inaugural “Donuts with Dorian” during economic development week in...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Former President Trump also faces potential conspiracy and racketeering charges in Georgia, where Atlanta prosecutor Fani Willis has been working to secure an...