Geoffrey Pete’s building at 410 14th St. is a Registered National Resource Building on the State of California Register as well as a contributing building to the...
Tidewater’s proposed development will harm Geoffrey’s Inner Circle through its very construction, in much the same way that another nearby Black business, Uncle Willie’s Original Bar-B-Que...
This proposed real estate development threatens one of Oakland’s oldest and most thriving Black businesses, Geoffrey’s Inner Circle, 410 14th St., which has provided generations of Oaklanders with great...
The Oakland City Council should reject Tidewater’s proposal. It does not fit the Council’s 2016 Resolution setting up the Black Arts Movement and Business District. It proposes to...
By Marvin X, BAMBD Co-Founder After the Oakland City Council made official the Black Arts Movement Business District (BAMBD) along the 14th Street corridor several...
Nearly a month after City Council passed a resolution designating the 14th Street corridor in downtown Oakland as the Black Arts Movement Business District...
City Council President Lynette Gibson McElhaney will ask the city council’s Community and Economic Development (CED) committee next Tuesday to approve a resolution to designate the...