City Government
Vallejo City Council Denies ELITE Public Schools Permit to Expand into Downtown
After two years of fighting for their plans, members of the Vallejo City Council by a 6-1 vote, approved an appeal that overturned the Planning Commission’s decision to allow ELITE Public Schools charter to expand into downtown Vallejo.
By Magaly Muñoz
After two years of fighting for their plans, members of the Vallejo City Council by a 6-1 vote, approved an appeal that overturned the Planning Commission’s decision to allow ELITE Public Schools charter to expand into downtown Vallejo.
ELITE Public Schools had submitted an application in July 2022 for a Major Use Permit to convert a vacant office building into a high school that would accommodate 400 students plus staff. Opposition to the reconstruction soon began from members of the community.
The primary opposers to the project were former Solano County judge Paul Beeman and his wife Donna. The couple, whose office sits next to the vacant office building, argued that the arrival of 400 high school students would cause a disturbance to the area and did not follow the economic revitalization guidelines for downtown Vallejo.
The Beemans attempted to rally the support of other business owners and the Vallejo Central Core Restoration Corporation (CCRC) against the proposed expansion. While several residents agreed that the school was not needed, the CCRC voted to not involve themselves in the developments of the plan as a collective.
The Planning Commission had initially approved the Major Use Permit in March, but it was quickly appealed by the Beemans 10 days later.
Members of ELITE claimed that the opposition to their proposed plan was racially motivated since the majority of the students are Black and Brown kids. In one instance, that observation was not far off, particularly when a local business owner blamed the rise in crime in the community on Black people.
The sour taste of that response carried on into the rest of the proceedings and comments made in the council meetings.
Despite the opposition from community members, ELITE students and families held steady in their fight to advocate for their school. They attended every meeting, no matter how late the discussions ran, even if it meant staying up into the middle of the night on a school day.
Students shared stories about how ELITE has pushed them to do better in their academics, how to be leaders, and set goals for themselves that they didn’t know were achievable for them before joining ELITE.
Despite the obvious support and reports from city staff that showed that the school followed all guidelines and regulations, the city council voted to not grant the Major Use Permit on grounds that there was no sufficient evidence to prove that this expansion was a good fit for Vallejo.
Councilmember Charles Palmares cast the only dissenting vote to allow the appeal and overturn the decision to grant the permit. Palmares did not respond for comment at the time of publication.
But the fight for ELITE might not be over yet.
Eric Schaffer, attorney for the owner of the vacant building where ELITE wanted to expand into, spoke at the Tuesday meeting, stating that they are considering legal action to appeal the city council’s decision.
Schaffer said his client wants the project to go through and the council has no basis to deny the permit. He also insinuated that the reason why the project isn’t going through is due to Mr. Beeman’s prominence in the community and that the council is being swayed by this influence.
“[Mr. Beeman] is not the decider today, the council is,” Schaffer said.
Similar claims have been made by other members of the community throughout the process of fighting for the Major Use Permit.
Schaffer said they did not want to go through the lengthy and expensive process of a legal battle but they would do so in order to address the conflict of interest on the council and other rights violated by the decision.
Schaffer did not respond for comment at the time of publication.
Dr. Ramona Bishop, founder of ELITE, has previously stated how disappointed she was in the actions of the community and the council for not allowing them to expand into the downtown area. When asked for a comment on the final decision from the city, Bishop said her lawyers would be handling the situation moving forward.
Bay Area
Libby Schaaf, Associates Stiff Penalties for ‘Serious’ Campaign Violations in 2018, 2020 City Elections
According to the proposed settlement agreements, which are on the agenda for the Monday, Sept. 16 Public Ethics Commission (PEC), Schaaf and many of those with whom she was working, have cooperated with the investigation and have accepted the commission’s findings and penalties. “Respondents knowingly and voluntarily waive all procedural rights under the Oakland City Charter, Oakland Municipal Code, the Public Ethics Commission Complaint Procedures, and all other sources of (applicable) procedural rights,” the settlement agreement said.
Ex-Mayor, Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Are Not Disputing Findings of Violations
By Ken Epstein
Former Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, currently a candidate for state treasurer, faces thousands of dollars in penalties from the City of Oakland Public Ethics Commission for a “pattern” of serious campaign violations in 2018 and 2020 city elections
According to the proposed settlement agreements, which are on the agenda for the Monday, Sept. 16 Public Ethics Commission (PEC), Schaaf and many of those with whom she was working, have cooperated with the investigation and have accepted the commission’s findings and penalties.
“Respondents knowingly and voluntarily waive all procedural rights under the Oakland City Charter, Oakland Municipal Code, the Public Ethics Commission Complaint Procedures, and all other sources of (applicable) procedural rights,” the settlement agreement said.
“If respondents fail to comply with the terms of this stipulation, then the commission may reopen this matter and prosecute respondents to the full extent permitted by law,” according to the agreement.
Schaff and co-respondents were involved in three related cases investigated by the PEC:
In the first case, Schaaf in 2018, without publicly revealing her involvement as required by law, working with the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and others, created, lead, and raised funds for a campaign committee called “Oaklanders for Responsible Leadership, Opposing Desley Brooks for Oakland City Council.”
The “respondents,” who were responsible for the violations in this case were: the campaign committee called Oaklanders for Responsible Leadership; Mayor Schaaf; the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce; OAKPAC; which is the chamber’s political action committee; Barbara Leslie and Robert Zachary Wasserman, both leaders of the Oakland chamber; and Doug Linney, a campaign consultant who was brought on by Schaaf to organize and lead the campaign to defeat Desley Brooks in her 2018 campaign for reelection.
Linney reported in his interview with the PEC that Schaaf had approached him and said, “Let’s do an Independent Expenditure (IE) campaign against Desley and let me see if I can get some other folks involved to make it happen.”
Linney developed a plan, which hired staff to organize field canvassing and phone banking. He said Schaaf told him the budget should be more than $200,000 because “I think raising $200K shouldn’t be hard and could shoot for more.”
None of the original group, which met weekly, included anyone who lived in District 6, the section of the city that Brooks represented. They waited to start the committee until they could find a District 6 resident willing to be the face of their campaign.
During her tenure, Brooks was instrumental in establishing the city’s Department of Race and Equity.
Among the violations reported by the PEC:
- Respondents reported contributions as being received from the chamber’s political action committee, OAKPAC, “rather than the true source of the contributions,” in order to hide the identities of contributors.
- Failure to disclose “controlling candidate,” Libby Schaaf, on a mass mailer.
- Failing to disclose the controlling candidate, Libby Schaaf, on official campaign filings.
- Receiving contributions in amounts over the legal limit. For example, the State Building and Construction Trade Council of California PAC donated $10,000, which is $8,400 over the limit; and Libby Schaaf donated $999, which is $199 over the limit.
Total contributions were $108,435, of which $82,035 was over the limit.
“In this case, Mayor Schaaf and her associates’ action were negligent. All of them were fully aware that Mayor Schaaf and significant participation in the IE campaign against Brooks, including its creation, strategy, and budgeting decisions, and selection of personnel.”
Further, the PEC said, “The respondents’ violations in this case are serious. The strict rules applying to candidate-controlled committees go directly to the very purpose of campaign finance law.”
In her interview with the PEC, Schaaf, who is an attorney, had received incorrect legal advice from Linney, her campaign consultant, that her activities were legally permissible, because she was not the “final decision-maker.”
Total recommended penalties for all those involved in this case were $148,523.
The PEC also found violations and is recommending penalties in two other cases.
The second case involves the Oakland Fund for Measure AA in 2018, which established a parcel tax to fund early childhood initiatives in Oakland. Looking into this case, PEC investigators found that Schaaf used her position as mayor to benefit the campaign, though without revealing her involvement.
A contractor who made a large contribution was Julian Orton of Orton Development, which was in negotiations with the city to redevelop the Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center. Orton donated $100,000
Schaaf, for failing to disclose that the campaign committee was “candidate controlled,” may face a $4,500 penalty. For violating the rule against contractor contributions, the campaign committee and Schaaf face a possible $5,000 penalty.
Orton has agreed to pay a $5,000 penalty.
The third case involved a campaign in 2020, the Committee for an Affordable East Bay, which raised thousands of dollars to support Derrick Johnson’s campaign for Councilmember-at-Large position and to attack the incumbent, Councilmember-at-Large Rebecca Kaplan.
Investigators found that Schaaf was extensively and secretly involved in the work of this committee.
She received a $100,000 donation from Lyft, which had a contract with the city at the time and was therefore legally prohibited. Lyft recently agreed to pay a $50,000 fine.
Oakland Post: Week of September 11 -17, 2024
The printed Weekly Edition of the Oakland Post: Week of September 11 – 17, 2024
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Bay Area
District 3 Councilmember Carroll Fife Kicks Off Reelection Campaign
District 3 City Council incumbent Carroll Fife recently kicked off her campaign for reelection, speaking to an enthusiastic, standing-room-only crowd at ForTheCulture Oak, 701 Clay St. in West Oakland. Since she took office in 2021, Fife has been working to move Oakland City Council in a progressive direction, spearheading efforts and working with others on the council and in the community to enact strengthened protections for poor and working people.
By Ken Epstein
District 3 City Council incumbent Carroll Fife recently kicked off her campaign for reelection, speaking to an enthusiastic, standing-room-only crowd at ForTheCulture Oak, 701 Clay St. in West Oakland.
Since she took office in 2021, Fife has been working to move Oakland City Council in a progressive direction, spearheading efforts and working with others on the council and in the community to enact strengthened protections for poor and working people.
Her track record has earned her enthusiastic support from some quarters and stirred the enmity of others, including developers, large landlords, and hedge fund executives, who are already financing campaigns to unseat Fife and other local progressives.
“We are in a moment that they have written history books about,” said Fife at her campaign launch. “Our opposition is in fear because we are winning. We are winning, not because of me personally, but (because we are) lifting up the necessity of working cooperatively and thinking about the people who have the least.”
While on the council, Fife has worked for humane policies to reduce homelessness, strengthen public safety, build affordable housing, and foster small business and economic development.
She helped to pilot community-initiated traffic safety solutions, improve Oakland’s 911 dispatch system, finance safe parking sites for unhoused residents, establish a Lakeshore LGBTQ Cultural District, and put Oakland on record in support of a ceasefire in Gaza.
She has also backed the African American Sports and Entertainment Group (ASSEG)-sponsored development of the Oakland Coliseum, which potentially can lead to the historic economic development to benefit Oakland residents and especially residents of East Oakland.
Her work also included popular ballot measures that authorized low-rent housing, expanded tenant protections, created a progressive tax structure on big business, established public banking in Oakland, capped allowable rent increases for tenants, and expanded opportunities for young people through the Summer Jobs program.
Five candidates are running against Fife. One of them, Warren Logan, transportation planner and former policy advisor of ex-Mayor Libby Schaaf, has already raised over $100,000 in donations from Schaaf and others, many of them involved in tech and real estate development.
Formerly, Fife served as executive director of ACCE Oakland, helped found Moms for Housing and passed legislation at the state and local level to build collective power for tenants. She worked to develop a network of Black organizations and was a 2016 and 2020 delegate for Bernie Sanders and has been a member of the 2020 Platform Committee for the Democratic National Committee.
One of Fife’s major opponents will not appear on the ballot. He is Sam Singer, a longtime public relations operative, with deep connections to corporate media organizations, who has represented Chevron for years in its fight to demonize environmentalists.
Singer was also employed by Wedgewood Properties, a billion-dollar corporation, helping the company vilify Moms for Housing, which in 2020 received international attention in their fight to purchase a vacant home in Oakland. Fife, a community activist at the time, worked closely with Moms for Housing.
Currently, Singer works with officers in the Oakland Police Department and writes frequently on social media denouncing progressive elected officials. Local observers say Singer’s PR efforts promote racial divisions and encourage support for authoritarian solutions by promoting MAGA-type hysteria of rampant crime.
“We’ve got to be united,” said Fife. “We’ve got to organize like we’ve never organized before,” she said. “Information is easy to come by, but truth is not.”
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