The City of Stockton Arts Commission (SAC) has announced the opportunity for artist(s) and/or artist teams to apply to design and paint original artwork on City-owned...
“That star on the Walk of Fame is symbolic of so much,” said sports media personality Justin Tinsley. “Nipsey is one of those people who will...
On August 2 residents will be relocated to a portion of the same East 12th Street remainder parcel and will stay on-site until the program opens....
The artworks, created by the Grammy-nominated visual artist Serge Gay Jr, were commissioned to encourage people to continue to take safety precautions against COVID-19 even though...
Six murals, curated by SAM, are aimed at raising awareness and mobilizing support to combat rising U.S. and global food insecurity, especially in the socio-economic fallout...
As local artists, students, and non-profit, Attitudinal Healing Connection, Inc. (AHC), have worked together, they have slowly began to transform Oakland with their Super Hero Mural...