Gang violence is raging in Deep East Oakland, also known as “Bossland,” where gun shots are heard daily, and recently, youth and the East Bay Panthers...
With 1 in every 6 children facing hunger in the U.S., California is the first state to promise that every public school student -- all 6...
Oakland’s School Board voted on Wednesday to pass a resolution to implement Phase 1 of a reasonable compliance safety plan, a plan Black Organizing Project, Oakland Unified...
The Oakland Unified School District announced Thursday that it is temporarily closing McClymonds High School in West Oakland after a toxic substance, trichloroethylene (TCE), was found...
A crowd of parents, students and teachers chanted “Oakland in not for Sale” as six parents and teachers were arrested Wednesday Oct. 23 at the Oakland...
The State Division of Occupational Safety and Health, commonly known as Cal/OSHA, has sent a letter requiring the Oakland Unified School District to deal with an...