Black August is a month that celebrates everything that Oakland stands for including block parties, movie nights, and other community events. Building Opportunities for Self Sufficiency’s...
In 1970, high school graduation rates for Black students in the U.S. were half those of whites. Civil rights protests turned this reality into a big...
THE AFRO — The violence in the Caribbean nation comes as gang members have grown frustrated with the postponement of presidential elections following the 2021 assassination...
The Council for Global Ancestral Reverence, a group of elders who practice African Traditional Religion, will lead a nine-day offering of prayer appealing to their blessed...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Rep. Steven Horsford, a Democrat from Nevada, and Rep. Yvette Clarke of Brooklyn, NY, said that the government’s policy, which is very similar...
Dec. 31, 1862, then, would become the Watch Night of all Watch Nights. Ninety-nine days earlier, Pres. Abraham Lincoln had announced his intention to free people...
“If you were a Palestinian anywhere around the world who watched the news since the late ’90s, you grew up with Shireen Abu Akleh,” said Sabreen...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The show which has grown from 15 minutes in its first year (1929) to an average of 3 and ½ hours in recent...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — From Freedom’s Journal to the North Star to John Abbott’s Chicago Defender, African American-owned newspapers have sparked fires for truth and equality that...
Prolific Professor Robert Farris Thompson truly embodied the term ‘Maestro de Maestros.’ He was an absolute giant in the field of Afro-Atlantic history and art, respected...
African American writers and poets have for years openly challenged cultural stigmas, creating classic works of literature. Many have earned Pulitzer and Nobel prizes, NAACP and...
Founded in 2007, Water and Education International (WEI), devotes its time and resources to providing water and education to villages in developing countries like Haiti.
The island country of Haiti is experiencing yet another spate of political and environmental difficulties.
The four-column weekly publication was printed every Friday. Stories covered foreign and domestic news, editorials, births and deaths in the local black community, weddings, advertisements, and...
This is the hypocrisy of “American democracy”: America the settler-colonial power that wrote oppression and enslavement into its founding documents; America, lecturer to the world about...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Continuing to deport migrants to Haiti would have implications for the U.S., as well, because Haiti’s health-care system is so drastically compromised, and...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “As we deal with some of the most challenging times in modern history, it is important that we understand the significance of the...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — In April of this year, I led a delegation to Haiti, which met with residents of the Lasalin neighborhood of Haiti’s capital and...
OAKLAND POST — A dinner was held on Oct. 19 in appreciation for the Ross Valley Paramedic Authority — which recently donated a retired ambulance to be...
A dinner was held on Oct. 19 in appreciation for the Ross Valley Paramedic Authority — which recently donated a retired ambulance to be used in...
CHICAGO DEFENDER — Right on time for the Fall school season, children’s hair care line Natural Bunch Kids has tapped the niece of acclaimed, Grammy Award...
LOS ANGELES SENTINEL — The Trump Administration has announced it will not provide temporary protected status to Bahamians who fled Hurricane Dorian. If granted, this status...
LOS ANGELES SENTINEL — In spite of the forked-tongue talk, doublespeak and patently racist ranting of the pretending President Trump and the White supremacist mob-like cheerleaders...
WASHINGTON INFORMER — Two hundred twenty-five unapologetic, fearless and trend-setting female bikers, brought together by Black Girls Ride (BGR), will ride nearly 200,000 miles, collectively, from...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “It is undeniable that the Black church and the Black Press have been, and continue to be, the foundational pillars of Black America’s...