WORD IN BLACK — Now, more than two years after the fact, the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision that protected a women’s right...
For nearly 430 million globally, hearing loss is a disability. It is expected that by 2050, this number could rise to more than 700 million, according...
THE AFRO — Although it cannot be medically diagnosed, burnout can lead people to lose their sense of self and feel as if they are not...
“Over 99% of people who get this form of the disease are likely to survive. However, people with weakened immune systems, children under 8 years of...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “We are prepared to take our response to the next level in addressing this virus, and we urge every American to take monkeypox...
“CA’s large-scale testing and early detection systems have found the Omicron COVID-19 variant in California,” Gov. Gavin Newsom tweeted Dec. 1. “We should assume that it’s...
That statistic bears alarming and costly health consequences, as infants born prematurely are at higher risk for breathing, heart and brain abnormalities, among other complications.
Chairwoman Lee will be the first African American member of Congress to serve as chair of the subcommittee, which funds many of the nondefense international affairs activities...
Jonathan Burgess co-owns Burgess Brothers with his twin brother Matthew. It is a popular American bistro-slash-barbecue restaurant and food supply company based in Sacramento. Locals treasure...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Dr. Ebony Hilton, who works at the University of Virginia Anesthesiology Department in the intensive care unit, operating room, and outpatient surgery with...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “If we want to make the world safe from outbreaks… particularly for those most vulnerable, then we need to find a way to...
WASHINGTON INFORMER — A 58-year-old woman who contracted the virus had also traveled to a high-risk country while a 39-year-old made contact at a large public...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “In the course of last year, the US government has been steadily and qualitatively increasing its hostile actions and blockade against Cuba. It...
THE AFRO — One previous cesarean section, a five-page written plan outlining post-delivery care for her oldest child and around 12 weeks of natural childbirth classes still...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — There have been prayer vigils, balloon releases, news conferences, community-wide searches in the area where she was staying, but there has still been...
THE PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE — There is no disagreement that African Americans have worse health outcomes across the board. Researchers, scientists, sociologists, and doctor all agree. Data...
THE SEATTLE MEDIUM — Data and statistics reflect the dismal reality that if you are African-American, you will be more likely to die at birth, die...
LOS ANGELES SENTINEL — Black people with mental illnesses are already overrepresented in our jails and prisons.
(VOA News) – A panel of experts released its assessment Tuesday on the World Health Organization’s response to the West Africa Ebola outbreak. It said the...
(VOA News) – A panel of experts released its assessment Tuesday on the World Health Organization’s response to the West Africa Ebola outbreak. It said the...
TERESA CEROJANO, Associated Press MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Taxing cigarettes up to 75 percent of their retail price is among the most effective ways to reduce...
TERESA CEROJANO, Associated Press MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Taxing cigarettes up to 75 percent of their retail price is among the most effective ways to reduce...
KATY DAIGLE, Associated Press NEW DELHI (AP) — Toilets are taken for granted in the industrialized West, but still are a luxury for a third of...
NEW DELHI (CBS News) – The World Health Organization has adopted a plan to combat an alarming resistance against antibiotic drugs. It’s an issue health experts warn will...
KRISTA LARSON, Associated Press DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — The number of Ebola cases reported in Guinea and Sierra Leone last week dropped to its lowest total...