Pippin’s work, according to some scholars, depicted the Black experience in America “without an assumption of inferiority or attitudes of protest or satire acquired in defense...
Anything to suggest Ohtani couldn’t be MLB’s marquee player? Of course not. He’s a smiling, charming gigantic Asian presence who is the best thing in baseball.
The English Football Association issued a statement and said: “We will do all we can to support the players affected while urging the toughest punishments possible...
And I am not just talking about justice as an idea. I am talking about a Department of Justice that is willing to take on abusive...
“We hold the largest social movement in global history,”
NNPA NEWSWIRE — "Fifty years of making a seat at the table and building a pipeline for those to come, and 50 years as the 'Conscience...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — "The FBI assesses hate crime incidents against Asian Americans likely will surge across the United States, due to the spread of coronavirus disease...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — A fighter for human rights, voting rights and the rights of African Americans in a nation with 300 years of systematic racism against...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — A 2019 investigation by the LA Times found that the Metro Division stops Black and Latinx drivers five times more often than their...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — After deliberating her fate, a jury recommended a sentence of just 10 years in prison for Guyger’s assassination of her neighbor, Botham Jean....
NNPA NEWSWIRE — News of the arrest of Donald Neely spread like wildfire, after a couple of shocking photos appeared on social media showing two White,...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “I shook hands with a 13 year-old-boy whose mother told him to make eye contact and shake hands firmly. Even in the midst...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — According to ADL’s Center on Extremism, 73.3% of U.S. extremist-related murders in the past decade were committed by right-wing extremists, including white supremacists....
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Send her back is a turning point, “With Trump’s naked hatred and cruelty captured on live television, and along with it, so was...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “Some of us have been victims of the stain, the pain, the hurt of racism. In the 50s and during the 60s, segregationists...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — As is his general habit, Trump lies in his communications and brands places where people of color reside as dangerous. President Trump has...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Some media favorable to the president have also attacked Omar and despite death threats made against her, Trump has continued his assault by...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “If President Trump is a racist, then Cohen must be one also. If President Trump is a cheat, then Cohen must be one...
HOUSTON FORWARD TIMES — The immaturity Smollett displayed in creating this scene is disturbing, if true.
ROLLINGOUT.COM — The 36-year-old actor who plays Jamal Lyon on the show has been written out of the finale.
THE WASHINGTON INFORMER — “If Republicans really believe these racist statements have no place in our government, then their party must offer more than shallow temporary...