In the wake of a national search, the Oakland Police Commission has hired Mac Muir to become the new executive director of the Civilian Police Review...
The Oakland NAACP and Community leaders are livid about Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's dismissal of Chief of Police LeRonne Armstrong. In a press conference just hours...
In an attempt to find the most promising solutions, the City Council has voted to conduct a citywide equity study that would help officials make meaningful...
Federal Judge Thelton Henderson issued a court order this week criticizing the City of Oakland for failing to consult the court-appointed federal overseer when the City...
Two leading local civil rights attorneys, John Burris and Jim Chanin, met this week with community members who belong to an Oakland police accountability coalition that...
Federal Judge Thelton Henderson has fired the compliance director who has been overseeing the Oakland Police Department, saying that police reform will be better served by...
The Oakland Police Department is slipping in its efforts to make substantive progress on court-ordered reforms, 11 years after the City of Oakland agreed to accept...
Protesters affiliated with PUEBLO and the Ella Baker Center attempted to confront Oakland Police Department Compliance Director Tom Frazier at his office on Wednesday. They have...
Federal Judge Thelton Henderson and federal Compliance Director Thomas Frazier surprised police accountability activists this week when they announced they have decided to place civilian complaint...